Republican Voters of Florida’s 13th District Happy with Washington.

The election of David Jolly (R) from Florida’s 13th district to Congress will have no substantial  effect on the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives. It will have no noticeable effect on the U.S. House of Representatives. It will have no effect on the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives at all.

The only logical conclusion one can draw from the election of David Jolly is that Republican voters of Florida’s 13th Congressional District are happy with Washington and do not wish to see it changed in any way.  

2 thoughts on “Republican Voters of Florida’s 13th District Happy with Washington.

  1. Funny how when it is a republican voted in to office it is assumed that there will be no change possible, no matter how small it could be. I suppose the last 5-years of those dream laden hope and change thing–changed things so much; by dividing the country into two separate voting classes, and within each of them–a winners take all mentality? That will never work, and is the essence of no change and no true representation. What we need is government policies that are all inclusive not divisive. A one party centered winner takes all yoyo style of government leaves little differences to either party in power, compared to that old style of kings and queens–do as I say style. Love the progressiveness of repeating history in solving todays problems by each party only voting the incestuous status quo.


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